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There isn’t a lot published about the Black Umbrella Project. We heard it mentioned by a caller on Coast to Coast.
What it is, allegedly, is a government-run hybridisation between human
beings and the world’s most vicious predators. The caller already
mentioned claimed to be part cat.
We’ve scoured the internet looking for Black Umbrella stories, but we
couldn’t find anything except for what the caller himself has posted.
Still, It’s quite interesting. To start, we’ll let the half-cat man himself tell what the Black Umbrella Project is. This is as he phrases things on his own website Blackumbrellaproject.synthasite:
“From what I’ve been told The Black Umbrella Project was the name given to a research team of military scientists and doctors that was put together in the late 1960′s in the hopes of finding a way to turn human beings into more efficient weapons. They asked the question; who are the most feared killers on the planet? What, no matter how big or tough a man is, would cause him to run screaming in the other direction?
“They all pretty much came up with the same response…the vampires and werewolves of myth and legend, and the predators of the animal kingdom. Since you can’t very well give a wild animal instructions for an assassination or covert operation, they decided to try and combine human and animal to create their very own “vampires” and “werewolves” using the animals to do it. They isolated the desired traits in the animal genetics, and combined them with human DNA. They had created a “hybrid” between the two…a person with the abilities and senses of the animal. A predator with a brain.”
This all sounds like it’s straight out of a Hollywood storyboard – pretty cool. But as we already said – running ‘Black Umbrella Project’ through Google leads only to what Russell (the Coast to Coast caller) has posted himself. It doesn’t look good.
Still though – in his defense there is plenty posted on 100% real animal/human hybridisation. It wasn’t so long ago scientists actually did mix our genes with those of a cow. Check out this excerpt from an article posted on on April 3, 2008:
“The researchers say they have hollowed out the egg cells of cattle, inserted human DNA to create a growing embryo, and then taken it apart to get embryonic stem cells.”
See that? That’s absolutely true. As far as the military is concerned though, they have no real use for soldiers that have to run around dragging gigantic utters behind them, although they would probably admit it would save them millions in milk cost on any given battlefield.
The New York Times carried a similar story about the proposed mixing of human and mouse genomes:
” A group of American and Canadian biologists is debating whether to recommend stem cell experiments that would involve creating a human-mouse hybrid. The goal would be to test different lines of human embryonic stem cells for their quality and potential usefulness in treating specific diseases. The best way to do that, some biologists argue, is to see how the cells work in a living animal. For ethical reasons, the test cannot be performed in people.
“But if the human stem cells are tested that way in mice, any animals born from the experiment would be chimeras — organisms that are mixtures of two kinds of cells — with human cells distributed throughout their body. Though the creatures would probably be mice with a few human cells that obey mouse rules, the outcome of such an experiment cannot be predicted. A mouse with a brain made entirely of human cells would probably discomfort many people, as would a mouse that generated human sperm or eggs.”
Did you read that last part? It said “a mouse that generated human sperm or eggs.” A situation like that would make it pretty hard to play catch with dear old dad in anything but the literal sense. The best story – also 100% true, was provided by Russell on his own website. It’s from National Geographic, and it’s terrifying:
“Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created. They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem cells.
“In Minnesota last year researchers at the Mayo Clinic created pigs with human blood flowing through their bodies. And at Stanford University in California an experiment might be done later this year to create mice with human brains. Scientists feel that, the more humanlike the animal, the better research model it makes for testing drugs or possibly growing “spare parts,” such as livers, to transplant into humans.”
There you have it. That’s three concrete pieces of evidence that several human-animal hybrids have legitimately been created, and two concrete pieces of evidence that a fourth experiment is in talks. In the case of the rabbits, it said the Chinese let them develop for several days before destroying them. What would the end result be if a full gestation period were allowed?
Russell himself claimed to be part cat – created in a petri dish and told he was an orphan, if we’re not mistaken. And he has chest x-rays to prove it. He said he’d get these x-rays to George Noory, but we have no idea if he ever did or not. So little being available about the alleged ‘Black Umbrella Project’ seems pretty dubious.
But it seems it’s really not far-fetched at all.
Still, It’s quite interesting. To start, we’ll let the half-cat man himself tell what the Black Umbrella Project is. This is as he phrases things on his own website Blackumbrellaproject.synthasite:
“From what I’ve been told The Black Umbrella Project was the name given to a research team of military scientists and doctors that was put together in the late 1960′s in the hopes of finding a way to turn human beings into more efficient weapons. They asked the question; who are the most feared killers on the planet? What, no matter how big or tough a man is, would cause him to run screaming in the other direction?
“They all pretty much came up with the same response…the vampires and werewolves of myth and legend, and the predators of the animal kingdom. Since you can’t very well give a wild animal instructions for an assassination or covert operation, they decided to try and combine human and animal to create their very own “vampires” and “werewolves” using the animals to do it. They isolated the desired traits in the animal genetics, and combined them with human DNA. They had created a “hybrid” between the two…a person with the abilities and senses of the animal. A predator with a brain.”
This all sounds like it’s straight out of a Hollywood storyboard – pretty cool. But as we already said – running ‘Black Umbrella Project’ through Google leads only to what Russell (the Coast to Coast caller) has posted himself. It doesn’t look good.
Still though – in his defense there is plenty posted on 100% real animal/human hybridisation. It wasn’t so long ago scientists actually did mix our genes with those of a cow. Check out this excerpt from an article posted on on April 3, 2008:
“The researchers say they have hollowed out the egg cells of cattle, inserted human DNA to create a growing embryo, and then taken it apart to get embryonic stem cells.”
See that? That’s absolutely true. As far as the military is concerned though, they have no real use for soldiers that have to run around dragging gigantic utters behind them, although they would probably admit it would save them millions in milk cost on any given battlefield.
The New York Times carried a similar story about the proposed mixing of human and mouse genomes:
” A group of American and Canadian biologists is debating whether to recommend stem cell experiments that would involve creating a human-mouse hybrid. The goal would be to test different lines of human embryonic stem cells for their quality and potential usefulness in treating specific diseases. The best way to do that, some biologists argue, is to see how the cells work in a living animal. For ethical reasons, the test cannot be performed in people.
“But if the human stem cells are tested that way in mice, any animals born from the experiment would be chimeras — organisms that are mixtures of two kinds of cells — with human cells distributed throughout their body. Though the creatures would probably be mice with a few human cells that obey mouse rules, the outcome of such an experiment cannot be predicted. A mouse with a brain made entirely of human cells would probably discomfort many people, as would a mouse that generated human sperm or eggs.”
Did you read that last part? It said “a mouse that generated human sperm or eggs.” A situation like that would make it pretty hard to play catch with dear old dad in anything but the literal sense. The best story – also 100% true, was provided by Russell on his own website. It’s from National Geographic, and it’s terrifying:
“Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created. They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem cells.
“In Minnesota last year researchers at the Mayo Clinic created pigs with human blood flowing through their bodies. And at Stanford University in California an experiment might be done later this year to create mice with human brains. Scientists feel that, the more humanlike the animal, the better research model it makes for testing drugs or possibly growing “spare parts,” such as livers, to transplant into humans.”
There you have it. That’s three concrete pieces of evidence that several human-animal hybrids have legitimately been created, and two concrete pieces of evidence that a fourth experiment is in talks. In the case of the rabbits, it said the Chinese let them develop for several days before destroying them. What would the end result be if a full gestation period were allowed?
Russell himself claimed to be part cat – created in a petri dish and told he was an orphan, if we’re not mistaken. And he has chest x-rays to prove it. He said he’d get these x-rays to George Noory, but we have no idea if he ever did or not. So little being available about the alleged ‘Black Umbrella Project’ seems pretty dubious.
But it seems it’s really not far-fetched at all.