Jana G. Wolf < http://www.myspace.com/janawolf/blog/352943905 >
English 102 – first paper of the Semester
Mr. Griggs - English 102, Section 3 <28 January 2008>
I have always been told that a picture is worth a thousand words. I would say it is worth so much more than a thousand. Everyone has a different opinion of what a painting may mean or represent. One person may see a masterpiece while another sees what they think is a bunch a splatter on the canvas. With all the opinions, praises, and nay saying, it creates a story that can be read by whoever chooses to take a peek. A painting has the ability to speak life into a soul and reach places that nothing else can, but only if we allow it. It will affect us only if we let it overtake us and really look at it for what it is.
The Power Within is an incredible painting by Elena-Ara Syskova. The picture itself is comprised of only about three main colors, a reddish-pink color, blue, and white. Yet the way they are mixed, the artist creates such a picture of strength and beauty. At the bottom of the canvas, there are peaked mountains that go all the way across. It looks like a barrier that seems like it is going to keep you from the rest of the painting. White and blue are the main colors used on the mountains. The white mixed with the blues gives it a realistic look of iciness on the peaks. Coming diagonally from the two sides flows a mixture of many shades of blue and of white. If you take the time to look at it, you can almost see it moves as it flows freely towards the center of the painting. If it were not contained to the canvas, it almost seems like it will flow right off the side. It creates a waterfall into what seems like an abyss. Using white to set off the blue, it looks like there is foam and fog coming out of the center of the painting. Like any waterfall, there is always a sort of mist that comes up when the falls hits the water, which gives it an even greater realness. The top of the painting automatically draws the eyes to with the reddish-pink color. The fan-like shape and the defined lines jump off the canvas. The Power Within is the perfect name for this remarkable painting. It gives a sense of strength to the viewers even if they may feel strong at the time or not.
Power can be tricky. When harnessed right, it gives confidence and strength to the weary. Yet some people never tap into the real power that is inside of them. Built up walls keep people out and they fear if the show what is within them it will scare people away. Those mountains represent the walls that we put in our life. Behind them there is so much power, but we keep it contained so that others will not feel threatened. That is not what we were created to do. We were created and designed for so much more. We were created to let others see who we are and not feel afraid. People should not have to break through the mountains in our lives. Those mountains should never have built up in the first place. The power we possess gives others the strength and courage to be powerful as well.
Water is extremely powerful. It has the power to give life. The water represents God. It expresses life and strength. It is flowing freely and gives great power. Water also has the ability to destroy. Those mountains at the bottom can not withstand the power of the water. It eats away at it. Layer after layer, it is being torn away allowing life to be given. God created us not to hide behind mountains, but to open up and be free to express who we are. We do not have to go through life alone. We need companionship and family to give our life a sense of longing and peace. We are to stand out in who we are and not to blend in with others.
The reddish-pink color represents the heart. Everyone has a fear of getting hurt or crushed by other people. The mountains and the water are there to protect the heart. Letting others in, gives others the ability to do what they want in your life. It is scary to open yourself up and allow others to see into your heart. Everyone expects the worst out of people. They automatically assume that their heart is going to be broken. The mountains are made by us. The water is God flowing into our lives. The water belongs there. It thrives there. The mountains stick out and get in the way. They were never meant to be there in the first place. We insist on picking up the dirt and packing it together until we feel protected. Those mountains may seem to be protecting, but they cannot soothe. The water in the painting looks like it is soothing and caressing the heart. It is letting the heart know that everything is okay and that it is here to keep out what needs to stay out. It allows us to let down our guard and become who we are in it.
People see what they want to see when they look at a painting. I choose to see life in this painting. Whatever the artist was trying to convey is one thing. What I see is another. The Power Within creates such a statement. People tend to try and figure out what the artist is saying through the lines, colors, and shapes. They may stand there analyzing it for minutes or maybe even hours. Then come to some random conclusion about what the author was trying to get across, but I think this painting gives the opposite affect. It speaks that no matter what others see in you or in any painting, what is inside of you is what really matters. What you see and what is flowing in your life gives you power. God gave us a mind to use and think for ourselves. We may not have had the talent to paint it, but we choose how we interpret it. Letting it speak directly to us and opening up our heart, lets the water flow into the depths of our soul. It tears down mountains and allows God and others to enter freely and truly gives us power within.
English 102 – first paper of the Semester
Mr. Griggs - English 102, Section 3 <28 January 2008>
I have always been told that a picture is worth a thousand words. I would say it is worth so much more than a thousand. Everyone has a different opinion of what a painting may mean or represent. One person may see a masterpiece while another sees what they think is a bunch a splatter on the canvas. With all the opinions, praises, and nay saying, it creates a story that can be read by whoever chooses to take a peek. A painting has the ability to speak life into a soul and reach places that nothing else can, but only if we allow it. It will affect us only if we let it overtake us and really look at it for what it is.
The Power Within is an incredible painting by Elena-Ara Syskova. The picture itself is comprised of only about three main colors, a reddish-pink color, blue, and white. Yet the way they are mixed, the artist creates such a picture of strength and beauty. At the bottom of the canvas, there are peaked mountains that go all the way across. It looks like a barrier that seems like it is going to keep you from the rest of the painting. White and blue are the main colors used on the mountains. The white mixed with the blues gives it a realistic look of iciness on the peaks. Coming diagonally from the two sides flows a mixture of many shades of blue and of white. If you take the time to look at it, you can almost see it moves as it flows freely towards the center of the painting. If it were not contained to the canvas, it almost seems like it will flow right off the side. It creates a waterfall into what seems like an abyss. Using white to set off the blue, it looks like there is foam and fog coming out of the center of the painting. Like any waterfall, there is always a sort of mist that comes up when the falls hits the water, which gives it an even greater realness. The top of the painting automatically draws the eyes to with the reddish-pink color. The fan-like shape and the defined lines jump off the canvas. The Power Within is the perfect name for this remarkable painting. It gives a sense of strength to the viewers even if they may feel strong at the time or not.
Power can be tricky. When harnessed right, it gives confidence and strength to the weary. Yet some people never tap into the real power that is inside of them. Built up walls keep people out and they fear if the show what is within them it will scare people away. Those mountains represent the walls that we put in our life. Behind them there is so much power, but we keep it contained so that others will not feel threatened. That is not what we were created to do. We were created and designed for so much more. We were created to let others see who we are and not feel afraid. People should not have to break through the mountains in our lives. Those mountains should never have built up in the first place. The power we possess gives others the strength and courage to be powerful as well.
Water is extremely powerful. It has the power to give life. The water represents God. It expresses life and strength. It is flowing freely and gives great power. Water also has the ability to destroy. Those mountains at the bottom can not withstand the power of the water. It eats away at it. Layer after layer, it is being torn away allowing life to be given. God created us not to hide behind mountains, but to open up and be free to express who we are. We do not have to go through life alone. We need companionship and family to give our life a sense of longing and peace. We are to stand out in who we are and not to blend in with others.
The reddish-pink color represents the heart. Everyone has a fear of getting hurt or crushed by other people. The mountains and the water are there to protect the heart. Letting others in, gives others the ability to do what they want in your life. It is scary to open yourself up and allow others to see into your heart. Everyone expects the worst out of people. They automatically assume that their heart is going to be broken. The mountains are made by us. The water is God flowing into our lives. The water belongs there. It thrives there. The mountains stick out and get in the way. They were never meant to be there in the first place. We insist on picking up the dirt and packing it together until we feel protected. Those mountains may seem to be protecting, but they cannot soothe. The water in the painting looks like it is soothing and caressing the heart. It is letting the heart know that everything is okay and that it is here to keep out what needs to stay out. It allows us to let down our guard and become who we are in it.
People see what they want to see when they look at a painting. I choose to see life in this painting. Whatever the artist was trying to convey is one thing. What I see is another. The Power Within creates such a statement. People tend to try and figure out what the artist is saying through the lines, colors, and shapes. They may stand there analyzing it for minutes or maybe even hours. Then come to some random conclusion about what the author was trying to get across, but I think this painting gives the opposite affect. It speaks that no matter what others see in you or in any painting, what is inside of you is what really matters. What you see and what is flowing in your life gives you power. God gave us a mind to use and think for ourselves. We may not have had the talent to paint it, but we choose how we interpret it. Letting it speak directly to us and opening up our heart, lets the water flow into the depths of our soul. It tears down mountains and allows God and others to enter freely and truly gives us power within.